sharpened pencil

And it begins…

sharpened pencil

One of the most challenging parts of any endeavor is the start. The blank page, the empty canvas, the guitar unplayed, all full of potentional and promise. The hardest part of beginning something new is the gap between what it is at the start and where one desires it to be.

Starting a personal blog feels a bit narcissist. To value my opinions and impressions to the point where they need to be blasted out to the World Wide Web (side note: I’ve committed to only using this term to reference the Internet) seems a bit weird. Who am I that anyone would want to read this? I have a good bit to say about a lot of different topics, so in that respect, maybe someone would benefit from something captured here.

I’m not sure what I want this to be. A part of me sees this as a mode of professional advancement, building an online brand for myself in which I tout my technical and consulting credentials by providing insightful tips and tricks in the realm of modern workplace and collaboration. I’m constantly being stretched and learning new things in the area of Microsoft collaboration. I’m also at the point in my career where I’m transitioning from being the technical implementer to the person that’s overseeing a group of doers. All of this involves constant learning and a growth mindset.

Another part of me wants this to be a place where I interact with all the great podcast content I’m constantly ingesting. Whether it’s Brett McKay at the Art of Manliness Podcast, the crew in Joe’s mom’s basement at the Stacking Benjamin’s Show, Jon Acuff telling me All it Takes is a Goal, or my morning news from The World and Everything In It, I’m growing and learning and implementing so many good things that it would be helpful to externally process some of them in a structured format.

Who knows if anyone will read this. This might just be a short-lived vanity project until I do the next thing. Or this may be the start of my new career, professional blogger and author, speaker, life coach, executive. I’m going to say it now: if I ever get interviewed by Brett McKay, I will completely have made it. You heard it here first.

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